How To Hold Your Lock Picks and Tension Wrench


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เมื่อ 31 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2566 13.37 น.

Lockpicking is a valuable skill that can be useful in various situations. To effectively manipulate lock mechanisms, it is important to understand the correct technique for holding lock picks and tension wrenches. In this article, we will explore the proper grip and positioning of these tools to improve your lockpicking abilities.


Before we delve into hand positioning, let's familiarize ourselves with the two primary tools used in lockpicking: lock picks and tension wrenches. Lock picks are specialized, slender tools designed to manipulate the pins or tumblers within a lock, while tension wrenches apply rotational pressure to the lock cylinder. By using these tools together, you can successfully open many types of locks.


Now, let's focus on how to hold lock picks effectively:


Hold the lock pick between your thumb and index finger, creating a loose grip. Avoid gripping it too tightly, as this can limit your movement and prevent you from receiving feedback from the lock.

Position the lock pick so that it aligns with the keyway, allowing the tip of the pick to engage with the lock's pins or tumblers.

Angle the lock pick slightly upward or downward, depending on the lock's design, to comfortably reach the pins.

Maintain a relaxed hand position to ensure smooth and precise movements while applying pressure on the pins.

Remember that practice is essential for developing the necessary dexterity in lockpicking. Experiment with different grips to find what works best for you.

Now let's move on to handling the tension wrench:


Select a tension wrench suitable for the specific lock you are attempting to pick. Different locks may require different types of tension wrenches.

Hold the tension wrench between your thumb and index finger, creating a light grip. Avoid applying excessive force, as this can hinder the feedback needed to determine the lock's state.

Insert the tension wrench into the bottom of the keyway and apply gentle pressure in the direction the lock would naturally rotate (usually clockwise).

Maintain consistent, light pressure on the tension wrench throughout the picking process. Applying too much or too little pressure can impede your progress.

Mastering the art of lockpicking requires not only knowledge but also proper handling of the tools. By understanding how to hold lock picks and tension wrenches correctly, you can improve your control, precision, and overall effectiveness as a lockpicker. Remember to practice regularly, be patient, and have a thorough understanding of lock mechanisms.


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