Tow Saksitsa Surprise, Requesting 'Bright Pitchaytan' Married


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เมื่อ 25 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2563 10.45 น.

Tow Saksitsa Surprise, Requesting 'Bright Pitchaytan' Married
In the middle of the list of stories this morning There is a special surprise for young Bright.
Host, beautiful girl, girlfriend of Tow Saksit
By Tow Saksit made a surprise request for a marriage of Nong Bright
In the middle of the show this morning This is another sweet couple this year.
Which has many famous people Many couples have already been married.
You must see when the wedding between Tow and Bright will be held.
Which could be next year, 2021

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